About Ana Edna

Ana Edna is an experienced author with a rich portfolio of concepts and trademarks, about change and growth, that she has developed for over 25 years.

Her unique methodology is designed to harness change for growth to generate fulfillment and prosperity.

As a writer and mentor, Ana Edna guides individuals and teams through her personalized approach. Her methodology allows individuals and businesses to create strategies, take action, and achieve positive synergies that help them attain their purposes and goals.

As a speaker, Ana Edna raises awareness among the audience about the specific purpose that gathers them. During events, she observes and compiles examples for a powerful closing that emphasizes commitments and ensures positive energy. Her participation in events includes opening, closing and active participation during the event.

Ana Edna's trademark Certification and Licensing programs go beyond expanding knowledge: they allow individuals and businesses to apply concepts in real-life scenarios. Every piece of content and every trademark is a legacy of collaboration, innovation and excellence born from challenges that have become success stories.

As a writer and author of solutions for change and growth, some of the disciplines that Ana Edna combines are: andragogy (the art and science of how adults learn), mnemonics (the study and development of systems to improve and help memory) , superlearning, learning to learn, accelerated learning (how the body's rhythm affects the mind within the learning process), situational awareness (the ability to perceive, understand and respond effectively), neuroplasticity (the brain's ability to recover, restructure and adapt), cognitive neuroscience (how the brain creates and controls thinking, language, memory and problem solving), and neuroeconomics (how our brain makes decisions). 

photos of Ana Edna GO inspiring and writing
Ana Edna GO profile picture

Copyrighted Content and Trademarks

  • Sistema para facilitar el desarrollo de programas de enseñanza del idioma inglés como segunda lengua. 
  • Combinación de tácticas para facilitar la enseñanza a profesores de inglés como segunda lengua. 
  • Cómo crear sinergias para facilitar el liderazgo. 
  • Cómo desarrollar seguridad en otros para facilitar su liderazgo.
  • La importancia del pensamiento lateral para identificar oportunidades de crecimiento.
  • La importancia de encontrar terrenos comunes entre conceptos diversos para generar estrategias de crecimiento© 
  • Habilidades Finas de Interacción© 
  • Habilidades Gerenciales© 
  • Leyes de Negociación© 
  • Administración del Tiempo: Crea tu propio sistema para aprovechar mejor tu tiempo© 
  • Construye tu autoestima y la confianza tripartita a partir de arquetipos© 
  • Comunicación Efectiva: Diagnóstico y tres conceptos para mejorar la comunicación© 
  • Diplomado en Habilidades Gerenciales y Liderazgo© 
  • Habilidades Gerenciales para la Administración de Proyectos©
  • Inteligencia Transaccional© 
  • Dinámica Interpersonal©
  • HRD to Doxa 360©
  • Ken-Kenin©
  • Alternativas para un cambio consciente en armonía®
  • El cambio empieza por ti®
  • Una nueva forma de vivir el cambio®
  • Convierte tus habilidades humanas en resultados tangibles®
  • Analogías del marketing en el liderazgo©  
  • Analogías del yoga en el liderazgo©   
  • Vender un producto, vender una idea©   
  • Colecciona sís hasta que tengas que coleccionar nos© 
  • ¡Alto! ¡Deja de pensar en todo al mismo tiempo!© 
  • KISS Skills - Spoiler alert: it's not about kissing© 
  •  To Live Again: Is there a method for that?© / Vivir de Nuevo: ¿Hay un método para eso?©
  • Sistema Personal de Vida©
  • Estrategia de Máximo Potencial de Ana Edna®©
  •  Change Tack®© 
  • NeuroPersonajes®© 
  • Sentido 9®© 
  • Sinergia Generacional®© 
  • Desiderátum®© 
  • Mejora Consciente®©
  • Adjust to Escalate: The Slight, Great Adjustment© / Ajusta para Escalar: El Pequeño Gran Ajuste© 
  • Balanced Focus© 
  • GO Beyond Success©
  • Sistema 7en7 para hacer Masterminding Guiado©
  • The Power of Connection©
  • Change for Growth®©
  • Smart Turning Points®©
  • The Spirit to Grow©
  • Irreplaceable Humans®©
  • Human Skills Tangible®©
  • It's About We!®©
  • 1-2 Growth Loop: A Conscious Journey to Create Fulfillment and Prosperity©
    El Ciclo 1-2 del Crecimiento: Un Trayecto Consciente para Crear Plenitud y Prosperidad©
  • 7 Qualities for Growth: Channel Change to get Fulfillment and Prosperity©
    7 Cualidades para Crecer: Canaliza el Cambio para Conseguir Plenitud y Prosperidad© 
  • A Triad of Power to Grow, Especially when Going through Change: Fundamentals to leverage change and use your potential to drive growth in you and those around you.©
    Una Triada de Poder para Crecer, Especialmente cuando Atraviesas un Cambio: Fundamentos para aprovechar el cambio y usar tu potencial para impulsar el crecimiento en ti y quienes te rodean.©
  • The Powerful Combination of Personal Development and Organizational Development: What every entrepreneur needs to start a business using their full potential and achieve the success that they want doing what they love.©
    La poderosa combinación de desarrollo personal y desarrollo organizacional: Lo que todo emprendedor necesita para iniciar un negocio utilizando todo su potencial y lograr el éxito que desea haciendo lo que ama.©
  • Start Smart -> Grow Strong®©
  • El lujo de ser humano®© / The luxury of being human®©

Timeline 1986 to date

1986 - 1988

I combined concepts to facilitate the teaching-learning process.

  • System to facilitate the development of English language teaching programs as a second language.
  • Combining Tactics to Facilitate Teaching for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

My first studies related to teaching-learning processes

  • Teacher's Diploma for ESL
  • Pedagogy
  • Andragogy

1988 - 1989

I implemented three programs that I created to combine the learning of customs in diverse cultures in English-speaking countries with the learning of the English language as a second language.

  • Reading and conversation workshop
  • Listening and singing workshop
  • Interpretation and dance workshop for teaching English as a second language
  • Skits that represent cultural diversity

1994 - 1998

I combined specialized disciplines in teaching-learning processes, self-awareness and personal growth. I wrote and implemented the programs:

  • How to create synergies to facilitate leadership
  • How to develop confidence in others to facilitate their leadership
  • The importance of lateral thinking to identify growth opportunities
  • The importance of finding common ground between diverse concepts to generate growth strategies

 I got certified as a practitioner in:

  • Aplicación Mental
  • Superaprendizaje
  • Accelerated Learning
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming


 I founded DESIDERÁTUM®, a company dedicated to designing specialized Soft Skills training programs.

1992 - 2011

I lived challenging and enriching experiences, I grew and had achievements at a national and international level. Some companies for which I developed and delivered leadership and change programs:

  • Sony: Sony Leader Accademy
  • Motorola Motorola Leadership University
  • Toyota: Toyota University
  • Cargill México
  • Sigma Alimentos
  • Peñafiel, Cadbury Schweppes
  • Laboratorios Armstrong
  • Farmatel
  • American Express

To continue growing my business and myself, I expanded my studies and became certified in:

  • Situational Leadership® Program Trainer: Center for Leadership Studies
  • Paradigms for the 21st Century: Joel Barker
  • Computer's science
  • Digital Marketing


I founded Trabajando en los cómos, S.C., a company dedicated to facilitating learning, design strategies and action implementation for personal fulfillment and professional productivity.

2011 - 2016

I combined the platforms that I had created up to then and generated new specialized content.

These are some companies in which these platforms and methods have proven their effectiveness in wide-ranging programs that have generated success stories...

  • Arthrex México
  • Arthrex Inc.
  • Bosch Rexroth
  • Productos Medix
  • Samsung

...and in the Diplomas in Leadership Skills for Project Management that I wrote and taught at Tec de Monterrey

  • ITESM: Executive Education Campus

2016 - 2019

I took a break to rearrange my ideas, complement my knowledge . . . 

  • Introduction to Neuroeconomics: Higher School of Economics in Russia
  • Neurosciences: Dr. Richard Davidson, Dr. Srini Pillay, Vasily Klucharev

. . . and create new methodologies, contents and tools applicable to personal development, change management, leadership, sales, teaching-learning processes, self-regulation and emotion management.

2019 - 2020

With the idea of boosting my business in a timely manner, I deepened my marketing studies.

  • Story Brand, PLF, WFF, TRIBE, Grow your Audience, Digital product blueprint, The ASK Method, Copy that Sells, Advance your reach, Knowledge Broker Blueprint, Mastermind Professional, The Freelancers Workshop, Nail Your Niche, The Rise of the Digital CEO
  • Donald Miller, Jeff Walker, Don Crawford, Stu McLaren, Eben Pagan, Rachel Miller, Pat Quinn, Pat Flynn, Ryan Levesque, Ray Edwards, Pete Vargas, Michael Hyatt, Dean Graziosi, Seth Godin, James Wedmore 

This led me to better focus my efforts to help on more specific issues. I created new programs for entrepreneurs.


I opened my online academy in an effort to help during times of pandemic.

These are the programs I have taught that have proven to be successful for the leaders who participated:

  • Mastermind Leaderspeed! | Generation 1 and 2
  • Mentoring Leaderspeed! | Generation 1 and 2
  • Mastermind Leaderspeed! | Founding Members
  • Mentoring Leaderspeed! | Founding Members

Leaderspeed! which started in April 2020, became memberships. 

We meet regularly, share our concerns and experiences, learn together and add mutual value. We support each other to implement changes with the agility that this time requires.

  • Mastermind Leaderspeed! | Founders Membership
  • Mentoring Leaderspeed! | Founders Membership


I spent a great deal of time understanding the new needs, not only of my students and clients, but also of human beings in the face of a sudden change that has demanded a high dose of self-confidence, trust in others, and mutual support.

Based on what was happening in the environment, what I researched, and what I prooved, I wrote this:


Over the years I have learned to adjust to go beyond just staying afloat.  

I learned to pause to understand that my purpose can be multiple and dynamic, that giving my best is a decision that I choose in each situation, that there is more than one way forward to give meaning to our lives.  

I understood how I stay motivated, what role my values play, and what legacy I want to leave in our world.  

That's what I did this year about.
Achieve your goals • My job is to keep you focused
  • Personal Fulfillment Retreat: To Live Again
  • Discover what you really want and give a new meaning to your life. 
  • Retreat for Entrepreneurs: SRS Your Business
  • Start, Renew or Scale your business to give a new meaning to your life: What to do to align your personal purpose with your purpose in the company.
The programs I wrote:


I dedicated this year to collect the best of my career and put it together into a concept that solves a purpose: Change for Growth.

  • Advisory, Mentoring & Coaching for Businesses and Individuals who are:
  • Going through an acquisition or merger process.
  • Opening new facilities in Mexico.
  • Opening new points of sale.
  • Implementing new business strategies.
  • Facing unexpected change and not knowing what to do or how to do it.
  • Planning an intentional shift in their career.
  • In the process of designing and implementing a growth strategy in their carrer.

I wrote new content and registered new trademarks:


Responding to changes in the work environment, I am on a mission:
  • Mentor people seeking a radical life change so they can prosper through entrepreneurship doing what they love.
  • For people who seek a radical life change through entrepreneurship to achieve the freedom, fulfillment and prosperity they have always dreamed of, moving forward with firm steps without hesitation.
  • Certifications and Licensing:
  • For business that are starting or expanding their training area.
  • For individuals who want to start or expand their career as an independent trainer.
  • Keynote and Closing Speaking:
  • Set the tone of your event.
  • Rainforce collaboration and commitment at the end.
  • Foster continuity and improved productivity. 


In the face of great changes, we need to pause to think about how to respond responsibly, begin a new stage, and grow as we move forward to build a legacy honoring our human virtues, I registered two new trademarks:

photo and logo Ana Edna GO
photo and logo Ana Edna GO

Let's talk!

If you want to take your fulfillment and prosperity to the next level, don't try to do it alone...nobody makes it on their own. Send me a message today, and let's discover our options for working together on your growth.

Send me a message and I'll personally get in touch with you...